Fan Enthusiasm

We live in such interesting times, for many many reasons, but one of the most peculiar things about it is our current entertainment. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I would never judge them as right or wrong; however, I have been largely disappointed over the last few years by all of the content that has been produced.

So many franchise (including some of my favorites like DC, Marvel, and Star Wars) have been “reimagined” beyond recognition. The characters have been shattered, the stories disregarded, and the values, morals, and yes… the principles have been hollowed out and replaced and yet, despite all of this destruction, fans are simply expected to be excited fir the next piece of content. No criticism is allowed or considered. No dissent is permissible. And, when backlash does occur, it is always because the fans are either too hatful or foolish to see the “brilliance” of the “improvements” that are made through the glorious process of reimagining. It is fans who wrong, never the studios.

There are a lot of very puzzling elements to this, but one of the oddest things is that these content mills who “own” all of our favorite properties seem to expect fans to be excited by default. They should simply be grateful for the new content and willing to part with both their time and hard earned money. Why is this the case? If you remove everything that made these properties special in the first place why should you expect fans to be excited? In fact, shouldn't they be expected to be cautious and skeptical? Why isn’t respecting the properties the expectation of these so-called “creators”? Why aren't they at all interested in exciting their audiences?

It's just interesting to think about.




Lord of the Rings is Next