God is Our Strength
In our crazy world there is so much to worry about, to despair over, or to lament and it is so easy to get distracted with trivial things especially in these difficult moments. In our distractions many of us look to different sources of comfort. Some sources are benign such as our family and friends, our entertainment, or our hobbies and some are destructive such as drugs or illicit behavior of anytime. In difficult moments all of these distractions though are just that… distractions.
These things, weather generally helpful or harmful, are all harmful in this context, because the only thing that can truly heal us is God and this healing does not simply come with his love and kindness or with his gentle spirit. In moments of trial and conflict his true gift is his strength. He gives the resolve to face difficult moments and the confidence of success. All you must do is ask for it. So, when you find yourself weary of spirit… pray. Ask for God’s strength. Ask for the ability and confidence to face the trials of life and you will not be left wanting.