Welcome to the Glorious Age of the Expert

This is it ladies and gentlemen. After decades of scheming, planning, and conniving we have finally arrived at the age of the elite, the age of the expert. Everything we have seen over the last two years and everything we are seeing now in global events is the grand utopia that we have all been promised, this is what the experts have been waiting for.

For years and years and years we have been told by those who are more “educated” than us that if we would only allow them to do our thinking for us and if we would give them enough power over our lives to make decision for us then we would find ourselves in a grand utopia where the land overflowed with milk and honey and where there would never again be a hateful thought or concept. All would finally be equal and would have peace and happiness. And slowly, over time we followed their advice.

We have stopped taking responsibility for our lives and handed it over to the experts. We have done it with our lively hood and our safety, with our morals and ethics, and, as of 2020, we did so with our health. Every time we give up our responsibility we give up our freedom. And people were told that we would end up in an utopia. Well, how much of a utopia do we live in?

I hope that people are waking up to the fact that such a utopia is impossible. First of all, it has no place for God, in fact it excludes him. Secondly, there isn’t even an attempt to understand human nature. Thirdly, no one of us is as smart as all of us and this especially applies to the so-called experts.

The idea of an expert comes our of reductionism, which is the idea that you can understand the whole by understanding the parts. This is simply not true and such an approach lacks any kind of nuance, creativity, and compassion. It is only by understanding the whole that you can fully understand the parts, because only then can you see how all the parts relate to one another. People can specialize in an area of knowledge, but if you lose sight of the whole then whatever information you have is worthless. This is why in 2020, despite the vast focus on health, mental health collapsed. The so called experts in the pandemic lacked any understanding in metal heath, it was outside of their capacity to understand.


So Grateful

