Failure to Follow Through

There will be times where I will fail in the goals I set myself. Even more significantly there will be times where I make poor decisions. Timez where I am simply undisciplined and don't follow through on my word to myself or to someone else. It is inevitable. It happens to us all from time to time. The key thing to remember in these moments of poor judgment is that you have the ability to make a different choice to follow through the next time is always there.

Failure to follow through is the most damaging kind of failure there is, because it chips away at ones confidence. It costs you your integrity and if you fail to follow through enough you will begin to doubt your ability to do so at all. But, you always have the ability to change and to find someone who believes in you and is willing to call hold you accountable until you can hold yourself accountable. It is never too late to choose differently and when you fall short, you can always choose to get back up again.


Getting Back on the Horse


The Courage to Share